


believe;be convinced of;have faith in;take stock in;

我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 I could hardly believe my eyes. 2. 但我不相信这是真的。 But I don't think this is true. 3. 我相信没有恐惧的宗教。 I believe in religion without fear. 4. 我相信我需要动物蛋白。 I believe I need animal protein. 5. 我相信我们以前见过面。 I believe we've met before.

ave full assurance of 完全: complete; whole; perfect 相信: believe in; be convinced of; ... 1. He fell for the story hook, line, and sinker . 他完全相信了那故事。 2. I made sure my colleague was insane . 我完全相信我的同行是神智不清了。 3. We are fully confident that we shall come out victorious . 我们完全相信我们将最终获得胜利。 4. Perhaps helen no more believed in these excuse than her adopted daughter did . 也许海伦对这些辩解,自己也不完全相信,象她的养女一样。 5. Her faith in his sincerity was so complete that she was incapable of suspecting that he was playing with her . 她完全相信他是真诚的,因而不可能怀疑他在跟她玩弄什么花招。 6. I am quite confident thatapart from considerations of fortuneyou will admire and approve of my emily . 我完全相信,不从财产方面考虑,我的爱米莉是会得到您的赏识和赞许的。 7. When we reflect on this struggle, we may console ourselves with the full belief, that the war of nature is not incessant . 当我们念及这种斗争,我们可以自慰的,就是完全相信自然界的战争并不是没有间断的。 8. Trusting completely my savior , my friend 我完全相信我的救世主基督,我的朋友。 9. She is satisfied of the truthfulness of my statement 她完全相信我的话的真实。 10. Conquer i totally believe that love conquers all 我完全相信,爱可以战胜一切。
相信自己英文 相信我英文翻译




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