



  Dear English teacher:

  First of all, I want to say sorry to you, because the English exam I did not test well, although I did not test a few times, but I still have to say sorry!

  Let me analyze the reasons why not test well!

  First of all, the school holiday is too little, as did not pass off, which makes me very depressed, I can not get depressed, I can not control myself, cause I play in the exam.

  I think maybe a lot of people like me, so I hope the school can lengthen our holidays, this is good for both sides, we are good, is really good!

  Then, I want to check myself, I am a conscious, caring person, time at home in basic reading, but one day, I keep a dozen years Xiaoqiang I was careful not to death, suddenly, I really regret I torn with grief, long legs!

  This thing makes me hard to forget, so I was reading when he was often absent-minded, want to die Xiaoqiang, I finally lead to fail the exam, ah!

  Is there love is wrong? Ah!

  Life is a real dilemma!


  I seem to have been disillusioned!

  (Chinese teacher said this is called parallelism,)

  Teacher, I think I am very sorry for you, how can I be so irresponsible? I think I broke your heart? Hey ~ but the teacher, I will work hard!

  Ifyougivemeachance, I 'lldomybest!



  Dear XXX:

  In the English exam, I want to pass the exam, usually do not work hard, so I want to use cheating in the exam to pass, I am here to review this matter, sincere reflection.

  When thinking about cheating in the exam will not be found by the teacher, but the fact that I was wrong, stood on the podium of the teacher's every move to see the students.

  Later, the teacher also find my talk, let me deeper understanding to their own mistakes, but also reflect on the past few days, I was really wrong, if you want to pass the exam, only by yourself, don't be like me to cheat in the exam.

  I like this not only let yourself go wrong, also let the students to help me, so he did something wrong, really think cheating is harmful to others!

  The teacher often teaches us to be honest, should not cheat in the exam, but I didn't listen to the teacher's instruction, cheating and not only embarrass yourself, but let the class disgrace let the teacher.

  I am a honest man of cheating in the English exam, students will look down on me, the teacher will look down on me, go to the society, everyone will despise me, so for their impact is too great, but you have made such a mistake, did not regret what use.

  Only good reading, no longer make mistakes, hoping to recover the integrity, early to get the trust of the students, as soon as possible to plead for the school to forgive, because I really know the wrong.

  This mistake may not need a long and minute statement, and sincerely accept the punishment by the school, because of the wrong, be corrected, hope the teacher and the students and the school supervise me, let me go right in my life.




  I am really very sorry for not doing my homework yesterday.

  I am so wrong for I have forgotten what I should do as a student.

  I should have done the homework the teacher gave me and hand it up in time for homework helps us to review the knowledge we have learnt in the class.

  It is also a good way to practise our skills.

  I promise that I will finish and hand in my homework carefully as fast as possible and I swear I will never,ever forget to do it again.

  Please forgive me and give me another chance.Thank you.

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